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      1. publish one’s thesis

          • 2018-02-20A novel generation 1928zT2 CAR T cells induce remission in extramedullary relapse of acute lymphoblastic leukemia

            a novel generation 1928zt2 car t cells induce remission in extramedullary relapse of acute lymphoblastic leukemia

          • 2017-12-04CD215+ Myeloid cells respond to interleukin 15 stimulation and Promote Tumor Progression

            cd215+ myeloid cells respond to interleukin 15 stimulation and promote tumor progression

          • 2017-11-15Defined, serumfeeder-free conditions for expansion and drug screening of primary B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia

            defined, serumfeeder-free conditions for expansion and drug screening of primary b-acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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